inotify-cxx changelog
0.7.4 2012-04-05
- an include added to build with GCC 4.4 and newer
0.7.3 2009-12-09
0.7.2 2007-04-18
- added
#include <stdint.h>
(required for compilation on Debian Sarge, #0000155)
0.7.1 2007-01-20
- incorrect event name handling fixed (#0000135)
0.7.0 2007-01-13
- added Inotify::SetCloseOnExec() for simple setting this feature
0.6.3 2007-01-06
- incorrect behavior for IN_IGNORED fixed (#0000124)
0.6.2 2007-01-03
- bad IN_MOVE_SELF dumping in IN_ALL_EVENTS fixed (#0000118)
0.6.1 2006-12-30
- fixed incorrect behavior for IN_ONESHOT (#0000113)
0.6.0 2006-12-28
- added methods for getting/setting inotify capabilities and limits
- added IN_SELF_MOVED flag (if defined)
- added Inotify::IsRecursive() for identifying recursive watches (will be implemented in future versions)
0.5.3 2006-12-06
- fixed incorrect error handling in WaitForEvents()
0.5.2 2006-11-12
- problem with ignoring IN_OPEN has been fixed (#0000102)
0.5.1 2006-11-10
- problems with includes have been fixed (#0000099)
0.5.0 2006-10-29
- partial thread safety has been implemented (using rwlocks)
- Inotify::GetEnabledCount() method has been added
0.4.1 2006-10-14
- wrong value returned by Inotify::GetWatchCount() has been fixed (#0000092)
0.4.0 2006-10-13
- two additional flags (IN_ONLYDIR and IN_DONT_FOLLOW) may be used if available (#0000086)
- "errorneous" multiple watches on the same path are no longer possible (#0000087)
- tarball structure has been fixed (#0000088)
- inotify-syscalls.h is included only if inotify.h doesn't contain syscall definitions (#0000090)
- enabling/disabling is now done through watch presence in the kernel instead of dropping events (#0000091)
- InotifyWatch::SetMask() method has been added to allow later mask modification
0.3.1 2006-10-03
- fixed: wrong behavior for EWOULDBLOCK (Inotify::WaitForEvents())
0.3.0 2006-10-03
- all errors now handled using exceptions (InotifyException)
- InotifyEvent no longer use struct inotity_event as its internal data structure
- removed InotifyEvent::GetData() - internal data changed
- removed Inotify::IsReady() - no longer necessary
- added Inotify::GetDescriptor() - returns inotify file descriptor
- added Inotify::SetNonBlock() - switches nonblocking mode on/off
- added possibility to enable/disable watches
- some code cleanups
0.2.0 2006-09-15
- InotifyEvent now contains a pointer to the source InotifyWatch
- fixed: InotifyEvent::IsType() - it now handles the mask correctly
- added a static method (InotifyEvent::GetMaskByName()) for finding a mask for a name
- added a static version of InotifyEvent::DumpTypes() method
- added a static version of InotifyEvent::IsType() method
- dumped types (InotifyEvent::DumpTypes()) now separated by commas instead of spaces
- InotifyEvent::DumpTypes() methods now use as general types as possible
- InotifyWatch now contains a pointer to the related Inotify
0.1.0 2006-09-04